Forests are the assets of a nation.
They are the things of beauty and gifts of Nature.
Although, all of us have not visited forests, we know forests as large area of undulating land thickly covered with trees, bushes, grasses etc.
In addition, wild, non-domesticated animals, birds, insects, reptiles and a whole lot of living organisms are found in forests.
Forest officials - Foresters - highly qualified persons look after forests by protecting animals, planting new trees and guarding against fire.
We find forests in most of the mountains, hills and hillocks where all kinds of animals like elephant, lion, tiger, deer, rhinos, zebra, monkey, bison and a host of others live.

They live freely on foliage, flowers, fruits and small animals which are weak.
The strong animals like lion and tiger hunt animals like deer and satisfy their hunger.
Forests are their home, Nature provide them food, water, and shelter.
A fantastic free life they enjoy.
The growth of forests depend mainly on rainfall.
Based on their dependency, they are classified as tropical evergreen forest (more than 300 cm rainfall), semi-evergreen forest (200 cm rainfall), tropical deciduous forests (100 - 200 cm rainfall) thorn forests (less than 80 cm rainfall) tidal forests (along rivers) or mangroove forest (Sundarbans in Ganga delta).
Very valuable trees grow in these forests.
They were self grown ones.